Established in September 2020, the An Gorta Mor Memorial Pipes and Drums commemorates the one million Irish that died and the more than two million forced to leave their homes and country to escape the great Irish famine.
“We are a service band to the Wake County, NC Division 1 of the Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) and share their mission of Christian charity – focusing specifically on fighting hunger locally” said founding member Dennis O’Brien, “We live in a time of plenty and cannot countenance the existence of hunger in our community.”
The band meets weekly on Zoom or in-person, instruction is being provided by the Wake & District pipe band. “All are welcome to come and learn to play the pipes and drums” said Joe Brady pipe instructor, “Wake & District is excited to share and grow the Celtic arts in the region.” He notes that No previous musical experience is required.
For more information or to support the band and its mission, please contact Dennis O’Brien at or 919-358-2984.